Taskforce Advocacy

The Olmstead Consumer Taskforce (OCTF) has committed to the mission stated within the by-laws written and approved by past and current OCTF Voting Members. The mission is comprised of seven key action items, which are:

  • Monitor Iowa’s response to the US Supreme Court’s Olmstead Decision and to collaborate with state agencies in the implementation of Olmstead in Iowa.
  • Advocate for Iowans with disabilities and long-term care needs.
  • Organize as a proactive and effectively working Taskforce.
  • Educate Iowans about the Olmstead Decision and its implication for public policy in Iowa.
  • Inform and advise policy makers about the needs, rights, and preferences of Iowans with disabilities and long-term care needs.
  • Monitor existing laws and pending legislation and make recommendations to promote consistency with the Olmstead Decision.
  • Support systems-change that promotes choice, fairness, equity, accessibility, and availability of individualized services for people with disabilities and long-term care needs.
  • Assist and encourage the departments and agencies of the state of Iowa to ensure compliance with the Olmstead Decision.

Olmstead Consumer Taskforce Advocacy Efforts