Olmstead Consumer Taskforce Vision: A Life in the Community for All

The Olmstead Consumer Taskforce is a statewide advocacy group charged by Executive Order to monitor Iowa’s response to the 1999 Supreme Court’s Olmstead Decision.

Our activities support the full inclusion of people with disabilities in housing, employment, transportation, healthcare, and other areas. We work with Iowans with lived experience and their families, state agencies, providers, and others to ensure that legislation, changes in administrative rule, and other public policies and programs promote the full inclusion of individuals with disabilities in all aspects of life in the community.

The Taskforce meets six times a year from 10am-12:30pm via Zoom. All meetings are open to the public and all are welcome. Visit the “meetings” tab for more information and sign up for our mailing list to receive occasional updates from the Taskforce, including meeting announcements and materials.